How to combine PDF into one file: 2 easy ways

The PDF format is versatile. It supports external links, which makes it indispensable for the world wide web. All computer technology and modern printing equipment recognize it. This is why PDF is so popular. But working with him is not so easy. The main problem of users is combining 2 or more documents. Let’s look at ways how you can combine multiple PDF files into one document.

Use of software products

The PDF format was developed by Adobe Systems. It is she who offers the multifunctional platform Adobe Acrobat (Russian-language interface) for working with files. The program is available online but requires a fee. The company provides a weekly free version, but then you still have to buy the product. The advantage of using the “native” platform is that errors when working with documents are excluded. If you have to work with PDF often and glue important electronic papers, it is better to purchase a licensed product.

Its installation on a PC or laptop is standard. The process can take 3 to 7 minutes. After installing Adobe Acrobat, it is best to restart your computer hardware. Combine files using the platform as follows:

Open the program and select “Tools” in the main menu. In the block “Create and edit” select “Combine”, click on the “Add” arrow and select “Open” from the list.

Document additions. In the new block, activate the “Add” button. In the window that appears, specify the path to the files and select them (if documents are scattered across the list, then their selection is made with the mouse while holding Ctrl). Click “Open”.

File selection. On the top toolbar in the new window, click “Combine”. Save a new file by clicking the floppy disk on the toolbar in a new window.

Using the online service

If the user rarely faces the need to combine several PDF files into one document, then it is not rational to install software products on a PC or laptop. It’s easier to use one of the many virtual resources:


Both types of services will be convenient and easy to use, since their push-button graphical menu eliminates the need to speak a foreign language. The fastest and most understandable service for beginners will be the The available file operations are described here in the left menu on the page. To start the operation, you need to select the “Merge PDF” menu. Then they act like this:

  1. Click on “Select a file” (in the menu there are two buttons with this name for two documents, they are pressed alternately).
  2. Activate the “Combine” button.
  3. Click on the finished combined file with the right mouse so that it is saved in the “Downloads” folder on the PC.

It is more convenient to use online services if the combining of PDFs is not performed very often. It is rational to install programs with many functional tools only when you have to work with files in PDF format often and in a variety of ways – installing watermarks, splitting, adding pictures, etc. Otherwise, do not “clog up” the hard drive.

John Thompson

Peter Thompson: Peter, a futurist and tech commentator, writes about emerging technology trends and their potential impacts on society.